Prof. Dr. Boris Braun
Institute of Geography, University of Cologne
Principal Investigator: Showcasing the Wild: Commodification and Standardization in Tropical Freshwater Fish Value Chains – Current and Historical Perspectives
Prof. Dr. Boris Braun
Boris Braun holds a chair in human and economic geography. His main areas of interest are the relationship between economy and ecology, the social and economic impacts of climate change as well as regional development and the consequences of globalisation for the Global South.
Research interests: Environmental Economic Geography, Environmental Management, Industrial and Urban Change, Environmental and Social Impacts of Globalization, Southern and Southeastern Asia, West Africa, Australia, Germany, and Western Europe
Email: boris.braun@uni-koeln.de
Tel.: +49 221 470 4141

PD Dr. Clemens Greiner
Director of the Global South Studies Center (GSSC), University of Cologne
Principal Investigator: S(m)elling the Wild: The Political Ecology of Arboreal Essential Oils and the Making of Olfactory Resources
PD. Dr. Clemens Greiner
Clemens Greiner is a cultural and social anthropologist and the academic coordinator of the Global South Studies Center (GSSC) at University of Cologne, Germany. His research interests include political ecology, rural change, migration and translocality. He has done extensive fieldwork in Kenya and Namibia.
Research interests: Economic Anthropology, Political Ecology, Land-use change, Human-environmental relations, Eastern and Southern Africa
Contact: clemens.greiner@uni-koeln.de

Dr. Eric Kioko
Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Kenyatta University and the University of Bonn
Principal Investigator: S(m)elling the Wild: The Political Ecology of Arboreal Essential Oils and the Making of Olfactory Resources
Dr. Eric Kioko
Research interests: Peace & Conflict Studies, Environmental Crimes, Dynamics of Ethnic Relations, Environment & Community Sustainability, Poverty and Livelihood Analysis
Anna Céline Schäfer (M.A.)
Doctoral researcher: S(m)elling the Wild: The Political Ecology of Arboreal Essential Oils and the Making of Olfactory Resources
Project Manager of Work Package 2: The Selling Scent
Anna Céline Schäfer (M.A.)
Research interests: Human-environment relations, Political Ecology, More-than-human relations, Sensory Anthropology, Media Anthropology, Museum Anthropology, Anthropology at the Doorstep, Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe
Contact: a.schaefer@uni-koeln.de
Manuel Standop (M.A.)
Doctoral researcher: S(m)elling the Wild: The Political Ecology of Arboreal Essential Oils and the Making of Olfactory Resources
Project Manager of Work Package 1: The Case of Sandalwood
Manuel Standop (M.A)
Research interests: Political Ecology, Economic Anthropology, Political Anthropology, Political Economy, Anthropology of Value, Commodification processes, Resourcification,
Contact: manuel.standop@uni-koeln.de
Ajeng Larasati (M.Sc.)
Doctoral Researcher: Showcasing the Wild: Commodification and Standardization in Tropical Freshwater Fish Value Chains – Current and Historical Perspectives
Project Manager of Work Package 1 – The Ornamental Fish Trade
Ajeng Larasati (M.Sc.)
Research interests: Environmental Economic Geography, North-South Relations, Risk Communication and Community Engagement, Disaster Risk Reduction, Southeastern Asia, Western Europe
Contact: a.larasati@uni-koeln.de
Edward Ofori-Annor (M.A.)
Doctoral Researcher: Showcasing the Wild: Commodification and Standardization in Tropical Freshwater Fish Value Chains – Current and Historical Perspectives
Project Manager of Work Package 2: Ornamental Fish Value Chains
Edward Ofori-Annor (M.A.)
Research interests: Human and Economic Geography, Historical Geography, Global North-South relations, Value Chain Analysis, Sub-Saharan Africa
Contact: eoforia1@uni-koeln.de