Imprint / Impressum



Research Consortium: Commodifying the Wild
Albertus Magnus Platz
Global South Studies Center
50923 Cologne

Vertreten durch:
Dr. Clemens Greiner, Prof. Dr. Boris Braun und Dr. Eric Kioko


Telefon: +49 221 470 76654

Redaktionell verantwortlich

Research Consortium Commodifying the Wild
Albertus Magnus Platz
50923 Cologne


Wir sind nicht bereit oder verpflichtet, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.

Webdesign by, Frederik Weck


‘Research Consortium: Commodifying the Wild’

University of Cologne, Global South Studies Center (GSSC)

Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50931 Cologne

Office Address: Classen-Kappelmann-Straße 24, D-50931 Cologne


Telefon: +49 (0)221 470-76660


The web presence is managed by the Research Consortium: Commodifying the Wild project.

Dr. Clemens Greiner, Prof. Dr. Boris Braun and Dr. Eric Kioko (Projektleiter)

For questions and suggestions regarding content, please contact:

Webdesign and implementation:, Frederik Weck

The University of Cologne is a public corporation. It is legally represented by the Rector, Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee.

Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde:
 Responsible regulatory authority: Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Völklinger Str. 49 40221 Düsseldorf

VAT identification number according to § 27a Value Added Tax Act: DE 123486767

Data protection: Detailed information on data protection can be found in our general data protection declaration.

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In the case of direct or indirect references to external websites (“links”) that lie outside the responsibility of Commodifying the Wild, a liability obligation would only come into effect if Commodifying the Wild had knowledge of the content and it was technically possible and reasonable to prevent its use in the event of illegal content. Commodifying the Wild hereby expressly declares that at the time the links were created, the linked pages were free of illegal content. Commodifying the Wild has no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked/connected pages. Therefore, Commodifying the Wild hereby expressly distances itself from all contents of all linked/connected pages that were changed after the link was set. This statement applies to all links and references set within the own Internet offer as well as to third-party entries in guest books, discussion forums, and mailing lists.

Copyright and Trademark Law
Commodifying the Wild strives to respect the copyright and related rights of the content used in all publications, to use its own created content, especially graphics, audio recordings, video sequences, and texts, or to rely on license-free content, especially graphics, audio recordings, video sequences, and texts. All brands and trademarks mentioned within the Internet offering that are potentially protected by third parties are subject to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners without limitation. The mere mention does not imply that trademarks are not protected by third-party rights! The copyright and performance protection right for published content created by Commodifying the Wild remains solely with Commodifying the Wild. Reproduction, editing, distribution, translation, storage, processing or reproduction, or any other use of such content, especially graphics, audio recordings, video sequences, and texts, is not permitted without the express consent of Commodifying the Wild.

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